
Robolympics was hell. We were given 40 mins. to program the robot to navigate through a maze. X’s are placed around the maze and we have to pass over them with the robot. Our robot was defective and our maze was immensely hard. We didn’t even reach a single X. We suffered so much. However, we actually enjoyed the suspense. It was so fun, like trying to de-fuse a bomb. We suffered and enjoyed at the same time. 🙂


We don’t really have pictures of our program because there was a file error, and so we’ll give you pictures of the maze we used instead 🙂



Just to tell the truth, our group didn’t actually finish, we only reached an X during the trial sessions, but not during the final performance. So in other words, we didn’t finnish!!!

But anyways, we have  a video showing what we did during the robolympics. Instead of the usual 2 min video, we decided to take one long video showing like a summary of what we did during the robolympics: Enjoy!


P.S. This is why we didn’t finish our modules, it was because our robot was “tabinge”  🙂

Here’s proof=

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