Social Studies

Social Studies. The study of History and Geography. Social Studies is quite difficult for me. In social studies we have to research and report about many things. Social Studies can both be boring and fun for me at different perspectives. Social Studies being fun is when we do reports and all sorts of activities. It can also be boring when the teacher just lectures us the whole period.

This is my research paper about the BALKAN countries.

The nationalism of the BALKAN countries contributed to the first World War. They did not want to be ruled by others. They teamed up together to be able to fight of the others who were trying to invade them. Their nationalism fueled their desire to get their freedom from those who invaded them and were trying to invade them. As they won more and more battles, their nationalism increased and they grew stronger and stronger. Through the strong patriotism in the Balkan peninsula, wars were fought and lost. Although the Balkans were somewhat unimportant in relation to more powerful countries of the time, they managed to play an important part in the history of Europe through their determination. This desire for independence played a big role in the nationalism of the BALKAN countries.

The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains, which run through the center of Bulgaria into eastern Serbia. “Balkan” comes from a Turkish word meaning “a chain of wooded mountains”.

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